• IPFS Africa


    We are a group of people passionate about the decentralized web and excited to learn, teach, and share ideas.

    Everyone is welcome!

Run An IPFS Node

If you want to get up and running with IPFS, follow our quick start guide. This guide assumes that you'll be installing go-ipfs, the reference implementation written in Go.

Host A Website on IPFS

A great way to get to know IPFS is to use it to host a simple, single-page website. We have a step-by-step guide to creating a static site, using IPNS and pointing domain to IPFS.

Build An IPFS Application

There are 2 implementations of IPFS clients, one in JavaScript and the other in Go, in our guide to building applications on IPFS we’ll use the Go client and connect to it via its API.


Textile is a set of open source tools that provide a decentralized database, IPFS-based storage, content hosting, and more over Libp2p, IPFS, and Filecoin.

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Infura supports pinning and accessing pinned content directly via the API and allow users to access data pinned across the IPFS network via the Gateway.

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Fleek makes it easy to build and integrate privacy, encryption, and p2p functionality & technologies into your sites, web & native apps.

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Pinata simplifies immutable data with an easy IPFS API and toolkit. This pinning service provides the speed and stability required for applications.

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IPFS Community Meetup - Nairobi

June 30 2020

We’re excited to gather the IPFS community for this virtual meetup. We'll cover the latest network release and all the ways you can use IPFS.


Decentralized Data Structures

July 15 2020

Learn about the decentralized data structures and linking structures that underline the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) Network.


Building Distributed Apps with Libp2p

AUG 11 2020

By highlighting all the challenges commonly faced while building distributed applications, we will discuss all the solutions Libp2p offers.


Re-imagining the Storage Landscape

SEPT 10 2020

During this event we will explore the network design that makes storage resemble a commodity or utility by decoupling hard-drive space from additional services.
